Bots Planet

FAQ - GoGbot! Service

by Bots Planet
  • 🤖 Installation is not required

    Instalation is not required. You can access the bot using our website from any device.

  • 🤖 Features and Tasks description

    • Airship Quests
      The bot will collect all the rewards available in Airship Quests.
    • Alliance Celebration chests
      The bot will collect all the chests available in Alliance > Hall of Heroes > Alliance Celebration.
    • Alliance Donations
      The bot will give 24 donations in Alliance > Donations to the marked alliance knowledge research ( marked with the star ). You can chose to donate gold or not in the settings. The bot will also collect the Donation Rewards if available.
    • Alliance Gift chests
      The bot will collect all the chests available in Alliance > Gift Chests > Locker.
    • Alliance Hall of Heroes - Personal Bounty
      The bot will donate at the Hall of Heroes - Personal Bounty to bounties of other players.
    • Alliance Help
      The bot will help all your allies in need at Alliance > Help.
    • Alliance Strategy Center - Load gunpowder
      The bot will load gunpowder at the Strategy Center.
    • Alliance Trade Station - Goods Exchange
      The bot will use the Trade Station to exchange items with other players in your alliance.
    • Astrologer
      The bot will execute the free spin of the wheel in the Astrologer available in the Inn near the docs. If the reward is the Tarot Reading it will be discarded by giving up.
    • Attack
      The bot will attack X times the coordinates set in the settings.
    • Attack Kingdom Threat - Berserk Behemoth
      The bot will only attack the Berserk Behemoth when the event is available, for this reason you can leave this option always enabled.
      Attacks will be executed only one at a time unless EQUILIZE formation is selected.
      In the settings, some of the available options are the formation, equipment and the option to call back your airship to increase attack power.
    • Attack Red Guard Camps
      The bot will attack red guard camps of the selected level. If no camp is found it will decrease one level and search again. If the rally fails the bot will try again up to 2 times.
      In the settings, some of the available options are the number of attacks, formation, equipment and the option to call back your airship to increase attack power.
    • Attack Red Guard Camps - Massive (use random teleport if necessary) [Custom Task]
      The bot will attack red guard camps of the selected level until the target number of attacks is complete. If no camp is found it will use a random teleport and try again. This task also uses settings from the task "Attack Red Guard Camps" ( Level to attack, Minimum level to attack and Formation ).
    • Attack Threats
      The bot will attack threats of the selected level. If no threat is found it will decrease one level and search again. Attacks will be executed only one at a time unless EQUILIZE formation is selected. If the selected level is higher than maximum it will decrease the level until attack is possible.
      In the settings, some of the available options are the number of attacks, formation, equipment and the option to call back all marches or just your airship to increase attack power. A good way to ensure you have enough troops in your state is to send your best march with airship to the alliance resource building, so that it will be safe and quickly accessible to call back when needed.
    • Attack Threats - Massive (use random teleport if necessary) [Custom Task]
      The bot will attack threats of the selected level until the target number of attacks is complete. If no threat is found it will use a random teleport and try again. This task also uses settings from the task "Attack Threats" ( Level to attack, Minimum level to attack and Formation ).
    • Attack Tormentor Foothold
      The bot will attack tormentor footholds of the selected level. If no foothold is found it will decrease one level and search again. If the rally fails the bot will try again up to 2 times.
      In the settings, some of the available options are the number of attacks, formation, equipment and the option to call back your airship to increase attack power.
    • Attack Tormentor Foothold - Massive (use random teleport if necessary) [Custom Task]
      The bot will attack tormentor footholds of the selected level until the target number of attacks is complete. If no tormentor foothold is found it will use a random teleport and try again. This task also uses settings from the task "Attack Tormentor Foothold" ( Level to attack, Minimum level to attack and Formation ).
    • Bank ( C14 )
      The bot will collect and/or deposit gold in the Bank. When deposit is available the selected scheme will always be the shortest available.
    • Buildings upgrade
      The bot will upgrade all the buildings starting with the lowest level first.
    • Buildings upgrade castle
      The bot will upgrade your castle when available. If your castle have dependencies to upgrade those dependencies will be upgraded. You can chose to use resources items if necessary in the settings.
    • Buildings upgrade resources
      The bot will upgrade resources buildings starting with the lowest level first.
    • Catacombs Explore (C10)
      The bot will explore almost all floors at the catacombs until no more stamina is available or the creation is defeated.
    • Catacombs Plunder (C10)
      The bot will plunder all available floors at the catacombs until no more stamina is available.
    • Catacombs Shop (C10)
      The bot will purchase all selected items at the catacombs shop.
    • Count resources ( active and items )
      The bot will count all available resources both active and in the items bag. The count will be done once every 2 days.
    • Celestial Wheel
      The bot will collect quests rewards and spin the Celestial Wheel when available.
    • Daily Quests & Main Quests
      The bot will collect all the daily quests points and reward chests until no more reward chests are available for the day. This task will always be executed after all others.
    • Daily Shipment
      The bot will collect the Daily Shipment/Sign In Rewards.
    • Vampire Hoard / Deep Sea Mystery roulette
      The bot will roll and collect rewards at the Vampire Hoard and Deep Sea Mystery roulette.
    • Doctor's Gifts
      The bot will periodically collect the Doctor's Gifts that appear in the docs.
    • Estate Affairs
      The bot will complete and collect the rewards from Estate Affairs missions.
    • Furry Friends
      The bot will spin the Furry Friends roulette and claim rewards.
    • Gather gems ( C30 )
      The bot will collect the blue and red gems within your estate to use in the Merc Arena.
    • Gather resources Alliance building
      The bot will send troops to gather at the resource building available in your alliance. This type of gathering is always executed before the kingdom gathering. In the settings you can select what formation you want to use, this is useful because it adds the option to always send your primary formation with airship to the alliance resource building. This is important in combination with other tasks like the Attack Threads.
    • Gather resources Kingdom
      The bot will send troops to gather in the kingdom. In the settings you can chose what resources to collect and what search method to use.
      - The "Game search interface" mode will use the game building search interface. By default it will start at the highest value resource ( silver, if selected ) and highest tile level ( 7 ) and send marches until no more tiles of that resource in that level are found, at that point it will switch to the next resource and start over ( this option is great if you primarily want one type of resource ). With the "Prioritize higher level tiles of each selected resource" option activated it will search by tile level first, looping by each resource in every level search ( this option is the best if you want to complete Daily Quests or gather all type of resources equally ).
      - The "Spiral Search" mode will manually search in the kingdom for resource tiles in a spiral pattern around your castle ( this is a good way to get the resources closest to you and randomizing what type of resources you get ).
      - The "Random" mode will give the best of both worlds, sometimes focusing on the primary resources you want and others randomizing the resources you get to complete Daily Quests more easily.
    • Gather resources My Estate
      The bot will collect the resources available in your resource buildings within your estate.
      This task has the option to activate boosts using items or gold if no items are available.
    • Gathering Speed Buffs
      The bot will use the Gathering Speed Buffs available, if there is no buffs available there is a option to use gold to buy and use the 24h option.
    • Gemstones Guard Treasure Hunt ( C16 )
      The bot will deploy guards to all the available hunts and collect all rewards when available, including the level chest. By default the bot will search for the building within the inner walls of the castle but if you select the corresponding zone in the settings the process will be faster.
    • Gift codes
      The bot will fetch gift codes from GoGbot!'s database daily and use them. By default gift codes are manually fetch from official sources.
      Feel free to contact support to submit new gift codes.

      For more information or easier access to the gift codes list you can use the dedicated page GoG Gift Codes.

      List of valid codes available in the database :
      At the moment there is no code in the database.
    • Guard Equipment - Material Workshop
      The bot will craft materials in the Material Workshop.
    • Guards Recruit
      The bot will recruit free guards, both standard and master recruits.
    • Hall of Champions
      The bot will praise at the hall of champions once a day to get the rewards.
    • Honor Challenge ( C16 )
      The bot will collect all rewards at the Honor Challenge event when available.
    • Lucky Roulette
      The bot will collect the free spin ath the Lucky Roulette event when available.
    • Mail read and delete
      The bot will read and deleted all mail from the selected folders in the settings.
    • Merc Arena - Research
      The bot will do researches at the Merc Arena.
      You have the option to chose what categories you want to research and if you only want to research level 1 or maximize the level of every research.
    • Mermaid
      The bot will collect daily rewards from the Mermaid, send gifts, do affections and play the game.
    • Mermaid Treasure Diving
      The bot will send mermaids to dive and collect rewards.
    • Munitions Exchange ( C8 )
      The bot will exchange all available free munitions.
    • Musketeer's Fort ( C20 )
      The bot will collect the daily chest and periodically claim the resources and loot opponents. It is possible to switch equipment to loot opponents.
    • Mystic Jackpot ( C6 ) [ 20 gold ]
      The bot will daily play the mystic jackpot in the Inn near the docs. If free play is not available it will use gold.
    • Night Siege
      The bot will join Night Siege events.
    • Pirate Chest & visist Vampires
      The bot will visit Vampire Messengers, spin the wheel when available and collect chests at the Pirate Chest event.
    • Pirate Showdown
      The bot will collect the AFK Rewards chest available at the Pirate Showdown near the docs.
    • Pirateopoly
      The bot will play and claum rewards at the Pirateopoly.
    • Research at the Academy
      The bot will do researches at the Academy.
      You have the option to chose what categories you want to research and if you only want to research level 1 or maximize the level of every research.
    • Road to Victory
      The bot will collect all rewards available in the Road to Victory event. This task will also work with all other intermediary similar events with equal interface but because these events always use a different name and icon a bot update is required.
    • Royal Expeditions Collect ( C19 )
      The bot will collect all rewards available in the Royal Expeditions.
    • Royal Expeditions Embark ( C19 )
      The bot will embark in the current expedition to execute rapid challenge and collect all available chests. It is possible to switch equipment to maximize challenges success.
    • Royal Expeditions Shop ( C19 )
      The bot will purchase all selected items at the royal expeditions shop.
    • Season Events (Mini-games and Rewards)
      The bot will play mini-games and claim rewards from temporary/season events such as those featured "Hot Events" (ie: , Alliance Mines, Beach Blast, Call to Arms, Celestial Weapons, Flip Cards, Guard Express, Imperial University Seminar Week, Memory Master, Pirate Treasure Pond, Prepare For War, Puzzle Challenge, Return of the King, The New World, Veterans Reunion, Warfare Supreme, etc.).
    • Shield
      The bot will try to use the shield option selected in the settings. If that shield is not available it will use gold to buy one or try to use smaller shield if not enough gold is available.
      If a shield is already active the new one will be used only if the remaining time is equal or less than the specified in the "ReShield earlier" option in the settings.
    • Spirit Mines Explore ( C18 )
      The bot will continue exploring the mine and quick find quarries to mine. It is possible to select the desired formation in the settings.
    • Spirit Mines Shop ( C18 )
      The bot will purchase all selected items at the spirit mines shop.
    • Talents - Instant Gather ( L41 )
      The bot will use the instant gather talent when available after sending all available marches to gather in the kingdom.
    • Talents - Instant Yield ( L7 )
      The bot will use the instant yield talent when available.
    • Trade with ally
      The bot will send resources to the specified coordinates. In the settings you can choose how many march you want to send and what type of resource in each one.
    • Tribute Gifts ( C6 )
      The bot will periodically collect the Gifts that appear in the tribute building.
    • Troops Heal - Hospital
      The bot will heal troops if available both in your hospital or in the kingdom hospital.
      It is recommended to have at least one hospital building at the bottom right corner because it will be the first place the bot will search. This is not required but it will speed up the execution of this task.
    • Troops Revive - Sanctuary
      The bot will revive troops at the sanctuary if available.
    • Troops Train
      The bot will assemble and train troops of the selected buildings ( Barracks, Stables, Shooting Range and Artillery Foundry ).
      The bot will read the training time to know when it can train troops again.
      You can train specific amount individually, use resources if necessary and upgrade lower tier troops.
    • Underworld Gates donate
      The bot will donate one key to the Underworld Gate every day.
    • VIP rewards
      The bot will collect the vip rewards available every day.
    • Wall repair
      The bot will repair the wall if necessary.
    • War Aid Center - Gifts and free offers ( C4 )
      The bot will collect the gifts and free offers available in War Aid Center.
  • Privacy

    The bot does not collect any account information or usage information and the logs are only kept temporarily for bot performance evaluation and error detection with a maximum lifetime of 7 days.
